A New Coffee Table Book
Paige Peterson
Photojournalist Paige Peterson shares her photos and memories of life in her hometown.
Love Letters to Belvedere
"Love Letters to Belvedere," is a wonderful small town production of the history of Belvedere with a talent show of Belvedere residents singing, dancing, juggling, and giving tribute and love to my hometown.

photo by Elliot Karlan
Noemie Marquie, Paige Peterson, Adam Gavzer Love Letters to Belvedere
Published by Belvedere-Tiburon Landmarks Society
“I love this new book by Paige Peterson and the Belvedere-Tiburon Landmark Society. Always amazing and meticulous in its discovery and preservation of historical photographs, the Landmark Society has found the perfect narrator for this new collection. Paige Peterson is both precise and charming in capturing the wild and natural beauty of our shared childhoods and habitats in Belvedere and Tiburon in the 50’s and 60’s. She extols the days of getting on our bikes after breakfast and not coming home till dinner, covered in blackberry juice and dirt, scratches and bliss. This combined effort brought me nostalgia and cheer.”
Anne Lamott

The Belvedere-Tiburon Landmarks Society
with Historian and Archivist David Gotz
provided historic photos to illustrate this book.
“Paige’s love story about her relationship with Belvedere will make anyone reminisce and long for their own innocent childhood summers. Her evocative, literary, visual descriptions of even the simplest moments are like an escapist fantasy into a lost time. Reading this book feels like time travel, escape, and family bonding, all wrapped into one beautifully photographed Care package.”
Zibby Owens

Tiburon Penninsula
"Growing up in Belvedere, the bellowing of foghorns was the music of my morning. I can still taste the bowl of Sugar Jets that began my day. I made lunch – a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an apple — and put it in a brown paper bag. My glass jar filled with water spent the night in the freezer so I could start with ice in the morning, knowing that if I ran out, there would be a neighbor’s garden hose to drink from. My sister and I would set off on our bicycles to enjoy our magical Northern California haven, often trailed by our dogs fighting to keep up with us and relishing the adventure."


"In 'Growing Up Belvedere-Tiburon,' Paige Peterson reminds us of a time when the joys of growing up in a world of community were not only the ideal for children but also the precious reality for all of us."
David Patrick Columbia
New York Social Diary

Beautiful Belvedere - The perfect marriage of land and sea